BBuilder - Data Flow Auomation for Automotive Company

  • interactive data viz
  • BPM
  • automotive

We support robust companies in data flow automation and decision-making processes with the crafted solution for increasing the quality and decreasing error occurrence. It helps to limit time spent on idea verification and spot any issues occurring at the beginning of the production process.


The BBuilder app is an example of the tool we developed from scratch. It supports the decision-making processes via intuitive drag&drop functionalities. For over 2 years we’ve been backing the engineers and designers in building up the charts that help to create the bill of materials and action lists for the business flowering. Our dedicated team’s been focusing on processes and data flow automation to eliminate the errors, ordering the actions, and update the production flow.


Type Script, GoJS, Redux, React


We engaged 3 devs, a tester, UX designer to support each step of the crafting process.


The BBuilder supports the defining processes by creating decision-making schemes in terms of engineering.

Challenge - Eliminating Errors and Automate Data Flow

Two years ago, we were requested to create an application to automate data flow and support the decision-making process in one of the automotive industry companies. Their system and methodology of work were exposed to errors due to non-systematic processes. We’ve engaged a team of devs and testers with the support of UX designers to provide an intuitive and easy-to-use tool that would support the engineers’ and designers’ daily work.

Solution - Data Flow Automation for Automotive Company

BBuilder is an example of an application that we’ve created from scratch as part of a project for a client from the automotive industry. It’s part of an already existing complex system in the company’s structure. Our task was to create a tool that would support the decision-making processes necessary for the correct, error-free data flow related to the design and production of car parts. Thus, we enabled the automation of processes, their visualization, and the creation of correct reports and lists of actions to be performed.

The solution is dedicated to the companies where the decision-making processes are handled by several departments at once. It enables delivering the ideas that follow the existing rules in the company and getting the fixes verifications by the experts. It supports the lowering of the error occurrence which impacts the quality of the final outcome.

Michał Bruździak,
Synergy Codes BA

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