Seven great examples of custom diagrams and graphs usage for business

Paulina Kondratowicz

16 min

Data is a constant element of business. Presenting data via custom diagrams and graphs, they become a source of knowledge. What is more, they change into a powerful analytical tool that has a huge impact on the functioning of the business. The diagrams and graphs themselves provide the basis for well-presented data, its understanding, and use. 

Learn seven examples of the real-life use cases of custom diagrams and graphs in business. 

Diagrams and graphs differences. 

But before we get to the icing on the cake, it’s worth knowing the fundamental difference between diagrams and graphs. 


They are a visual form for presenting statistical data for highlighting the basic facts and relationship which are inherent in the data. It attracts the attention being, at the same time, a quicker way of grasping the results. It is perfect for presenting qualitative data. 


The quantitative data is usually represented by graphs. Being less attractive than diagrams and hard to understand by a layman, the classification and tabulation techniques will reduce the complexity of presenting the data using graphs.  

Both the diagram and graphs work well in business in areas such as: 

  • Streamlining decision-making processes at every stage of project development 
  • Creating data analyzes and selecting such information areas that are the most important at a given stage of the project 
  • Sealing processes for errors that can lead to unnecessary financial and time losses 

As you can see, the use of diagrams and graphs in business has several important justifications. We have already written about diagrams in extensive material. We suggest you read this article for a more in-depth look at the characteristics of each example. But how are they used in projects? 

Advanced custom diagrams and graphs use cases for business 

The use of custom diagrams and graphs in business doesn’t focus only on the attractive graphical presentation of data and easier understanding of the relationships between them. 

Visual data representation supported by the appropriate UX, with the usage of applicable visual libraries, results in obtaining simplicity and an accurate understanding of data operation for business purposes. 

  1. Business processes and information flow 

Turning complex processes into interactive visualization with custom diagrams and charts enables enterprise-level companies to deal with a large amount of information and processes which need to be planned, managed, and controlled. The solution presented below captures the details of the tasks and interactions with a process and augments the business process model with the corresponding information flow. 

Main diagram and graphs features include:  

  • The helicopter view on the company. 
  • The multi-level nesting of nodes, which break into subsequent sections until the visibility of several thousand objects. Moreover, the expanding node disappears, making room to show under the structures. 
  • The Gantt chart view, in which the user assigns people whose image is displayed on bars to tasks. 
  • The mini-map, which is a useful preview of the entire chart. 
Business processes and information flow
Gantt chart for BPM
  1. Digital flow simulation 

The future belongs to IoT solutions. The presented below tool integrates data from sensors via interactive diagrams and charts. It illustrates the information flow and interprets them in real-time.  

By enabling presenting data in various ways, i.e., using different types of charts and diagrams, the user can use the data to understand the interrelations. The main goal is to present data attractively and impressively, i.e., using visualization techniques supported by suitable visual libraries.  

As IoT sensors gather thousands of data bits, the diagrams and charts enable readable data consumption as they visually highlight the most important actions. By simplifying complexity and depicting the characteristics of data, the user can utilize the information quickly, without specific technical knowledge.  

The digital flow simulation diagram’s characteristics are:  

  • Real-time flow focuses on gathering and transforming data into a readable and digestible way.  
  • Presenting data in the interactive dashboard filled with various live diagrams and charts.  
  • Planning and executing activities via gathered and displayed data. 
  • Scanning the real-time activities and creating reports based on gathered information. 
Digital flow simulation
Digital flow simulation
  1. Network security architecture diagram 

Having a strong architecture is a foundational need for any security organization’s success. The infrastructure design tool secures and scales the enterprise software development life cycle. To enable data simplification and making them intelligible, the creator must take into consideration using specific techniques as nesting, virtualization, or adding custom links.  

The solution visually reflects the network’s structure and all actions that might be undertaken for ensuring network security to defend itself from cyber attacks. 

Within the solution for designing the architecture of the large system, the diagrams and charts play a significant role. The user can benefit from an easy-to-use drag & drop to create the desired flow diagrams. What’s even more crucial, all data is aggregated in an intuitive user interface.  

The network security architecture diagram supports:  

  • An expandable diagram allows placing thousands of pages on a diagram. By collapsing the content, the user can view the site map. With a double click on a node, it breaks down into a group of related subpages. 
  • Data mapping via interactive diagram enables to see the detailed data ad-hoc, along with the additional. 
  • Data modeling via highlighting and coloring the connections to inform about occurring changes within the diagram. With an additional zoom in/zoom out option, the user can see the helicopter view on the whole diagram, thus makeup business decisions or plan further
Network security architecture diagram
Network security architecture diagram  for better analysis
  1. Real-time collaboration process flow diagram 

Project work requires unique solutions, especially when it involves many people. In this case, the usage of process flow diagrams would support fully remote work in real-time. By creating a good flow by drag & drops the user can connect members, give roles, and submit the changes live. With ad-hoc roles’ change and the alternations submission with no lags, the interactive diagrams come to life. 

On the other hand, the great advantage is the possibility to model the process via interactive flowcharts.  

Using process flow diagrams enables savings in time and labor by dividing works between project members, and using various data sources. To make the diagram amenable for comparison the user can benefit from various types of colorings, shapes, or links.  

Such solution supports:  

  • Adornments to draw attention to the drag & drop functionality. For full interactivity, the user can attach the chart to the object (node), add graphics, or rates. 
  • Adding comments and viewing task progress via task performance measure. These are useful for project overview and management. 
  • Building the flows with customized objects and linking for better performance. 
The flow charts for building the project
Simultaneous collaboration tool with real-time actions.
  1. Modeling process flow for data mapping  

Switching from tables and spreadsheets to simple diagrams supports the industries that rely on process flows. Using the appropriate charts and diagrams surely allows for full data integration and following the interrelations as well as bringing out the hidden data. The user is capable of mapping the processes and decide on the flow’s next steps.  

Through comparisons between data bits, the user can conclude quickly and forecast the risk, which is profitable in terms of making proper business decisions.  

While using the diagrams for building the process flow, the beneficial aspects are:  

  • Mapping the flow via easy-to-use components such as drag&drop or interactive dashboards.  
  • Integrating many sources and using the collected data within one diagram with multiple objects to form the flow.  
  • Expandable objects with additional information.  
Modeling process flow for data mapping
Modeling process flow for data mapping
  1. Diagrams for measuring database quality 

Speaking of aggregating and data integration. Multiple databases lead to serious problems with duplicates, coupling between the applications, or security. Diagrams and charts play a significant role in combining visual data residing in different sources and providing users with a unified view of them. 

The solution aggregates information from multiple data warehouses and shares a current version of it across an organization to and from which all shared information will flow. 

The diagrams and graphs simplify the complexity and depict the characteristics of data by presenting thousands of objects on the canvas. It then creates simplicity. The use of various types of diagrams and graphs enables presenting the gathered data in various ways.  

The other worth-knowing advantages are:  

  • A dashboard with interactive diagrams allows for a visual representation of parameters that testify to the condition of the database. Fully customizable widgets and numerous parameters allow for a good quality assessment. Additionally, charts enable the user to compare databases with selected parameters. 
  • The single record view focuses on a specific record to show some details, such as time, personal and identification data, and aggregated statistics.  
  • Databases connections are ready to use via a variety of charts and diagrams that gathers the data from different sources at once.  
Diagrams for measuring database quality
Diagrams for measuring database quality
  1. Data flow diagram 

The complex systems require a visual tool to collaborate and create an ecosystem with minimal to zero knowledge of coding. 

Enabling graphs and diagrams, the user can visually process the logic and define the general flow both, from the user side and administration as well. 

Diagrams and graphs also allow for process automation, especially when the user deal with complicated process logic.  

The diagrams and graphs enable drawing attention to the particular objects or parts of the project. The user can scan the details and get a better understanding.  

The usage of the visual data translation brings out the following pros:  

  • Turning complex tables into an interactive visualization via enabling a variety of diagrams that depict the flow structure and order the complex data indigestible way.  
  • Improving users’ productivity thanks to building the logic data flow with the possibility of new flows’ development.  
  • Visualizing the flow direction via interactive linking and hidden algorithms for intuitive operations.  
  • Editing and building the flows via ready-to-use and customized objects.  
complex data flow
Data flow diagram


Considering the role of various custom diagrams and graphs in working with data, we cannot forget about their distinct use in building the memorizing effect. By utilizing the appropriate data visualization, the user can see the data without browsing through countless tables. Using diagrams and graphs enables understanding data and interpret them properly. 

The tools based on graphic visualization are an excellent source of business understanding both for a manager and a technical person. We are ready to help you find your diagram and graph and prepare a tool that will support your business. 

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